#becc2018 #international digital shift training at Andros/Greece

Cultural management & the digital shift –
Using the digital process to reach out and increase participation.


This year  Andrea Folie and Katrin Reiter has been invited to train young cultural managers from all over europe on a little island on greec how to use the digital process to reach out and increase participation.

Digitalization has profoundly transformed culture and arts in terms of production, creation and cultural participation. Contemporary cultural workers need to manage and develop there digital skills and competences in order to be part of the knowledge society, and to work towards the modernisation of cultural centres and the empowerment of their communities.

This theme will intersect with cultural management, a very popular topic among BECC participants, embracing the personal predispositions and interests in the fields of professional development and culture. This part of the training will be enriched with elements of coaching.

ENCC prepared this programme in collaboration with trainers Dagna Gmitrowicz (PL/DE, Erasmus+ Agency trainer, Facilitator and certified Art-Therapist), Katrin Reiter (AT, Strategic developer and planner for IKULT and Coordinator and public relations planner of the Guidance Network Salzburg) and Andrea Folie (AT, Founder/Owner IKULT, Intercultural projects and concepts, project manager “Arrivingtour QUERBEET” Gemeindeentwicklung at Salzburger Bildungswerk. Management assistant of the umbrella association for Salzburgs cultural sites, board member of the cultural advisory board of the province of Salzburg).

We had 3 wonderful and inspiring days with the great Team from #ENCC, 12 great and powerful participants and awsome hosts.

What the digital shift made also possible, to invite some of our partners directly and online to share expierence with us on Andros:

a webinar with David Röthler, werdedigital.at
an interview with the art collective goldextra
a live diskussion with the musician Gudrun Raber-Plaichinger from deneb
a live trend-insight with Karim-Patrick Bannour from viermalvier

Our working padlet on Andros: https://padlet.com/encc_network/79ndnmjb2k9f
Impression: Digital and analog


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